

  • 管理顾问
  • 行政总裁(CEO)
  • 人力资源经理
  • 企业培训师
  • 公司发言人
  • 公共关系
  • 市场经理
  • 非营利组织负责人
  • 大学教授
  • 通信顾问
  • 记者
  • 销售经理
  • 政治家


具有沟通能力的有远见的领导者在任何行业都很有价值. When you earn a Master of Arts in 领导 with a 沟通 concentration from Mid-America Christian University (MACU) in Oklahoma City, you’ll have the skills necessary to be an ethical leader and an exceptional communicator–with the knowledge to apply those skills in a wide variety of upper-level positions in corporations, 非营利组织, 政府, 军事, 政治和其他. 

A master’s degree in 领导 with a 沟通 emphasis gives MACU graduates a competitive edge. 高级管理人员的总体就业预计将增加 增长8% 2020年至2030年. 根据美国.S. 劳工部, 沟通技巧是最重要的 公司在21世纪工作场所寻找的软技能. 

Our Christ-centered education gives students a strong foundation that will help them grow in their spiritual life. MACU is accredited through the Higher Learning  Commission (HLC) of the North Central Association of  Colleges and 学校 (NCA). 


MACU’s Master of Arts in 领导 program with a 沟通 emphasis develops students into tomorrow’s executives and business leaders through courses that focus on organizational culture, 培训, 领导理论, 解决问题和决策. 在线课程强调领导道德和实践变革的策略, 培养学生在当今市场中管理快速扩展的工作环境.

而有些沟通技巧是天生的, the 沟通 emphasis will help you sharpen or develop others that are essential in professional settings. You will graduate as a servant leader who is an expert at oral and 写 沟通 skills, 有能力管理自己和他人, able to identify and offer solutions to organizational problems and successfully initiate positive 改变 in any setting. 


ML 5353决策制定


在线硕士领导与沟通重点:加速, 为忙碌的专业人士负担得起的程序

澳门大学自2008年开始提供在线硕士学位课程, helping adult learners pursue their professional goals while balancing busy careers and family lives. 虽然这个学位是完全在线提供的, 根据学生的兴趣和教师的能力,学校可能会提供一些选修课. 

同时享受在线课程的灵活性和可负担性, we’re confident that you’ll never feel like a number but you will feel like a part of our MACU community. Our professors are passionate about teaching and sharing their real-life business experiences, and they’re committed to providing you with individual attention and the support you’ll need to succeed. 作为一名在线硕士学位学生,以下是你会欣赏的一些好处:

  • 小班授课 
  • 入学不需要GMAT
  • 一次一个为期六周的课程,按顺序进行
  • 职业社交机会
  • 特殊福利和申请符合条件的服务积分 安卓版客户端和现役军人 


同时为我们的学生在不断变化的全球社会中取得专业成功做好准备, we provide many opportunities for growth in our shared Christian faith through a Christ-centered curriculum and spiritual-based extracurriculars and groups. 我们的目标是准备有效和道德的仆人领袖谁培养信任, 问责制和欢迎, 高效的工作场所,并对世界和周围的人产生积极的影响. 




本课程介绍人类管理中的行为理论. A critical analysis is performed on the contributions to the organizational behavior discipline and its research as applied to the business environment. 该学生将把其研究的理论应用于商业环境. 学生将运用文化发展的理论, 时间管理, 工作设计, 改变, 动机, 领导力发展, 沟通, 小团体动力学, 以及商务谈判.



高级专业沟通领导将提供动态范围的口头, 写, and 数字 沟通 opportunities that will enhance student experience through diverse presentation methods. 本课程将为学生提供运用概念的机会, 策略, and content selected from individual areas of interest and adapt these labors into public and/or 数字 performances that demonstrate applied skills across multiple modalities.

ML 5143


This course explores the history and development of 领导理论 as in the students’ current organizational settings. 虽然领导和管理是不一样的,但它们经常被混淆. The unique features of each are studied along with practical application of case studies of current leaders as well as from history. 管理者培养下属, 领导者培养追随者, 最成功的领导者会培养领导者. 学生们将使用以下方法来评估自己的领导风格 领导实践量表 由Kouzes和Posner开发. Students will gain hands-on experience by analyzing their performance in a current or new 领导 role.

ML 5163


This course addresses the core aspects of instructional systems design as applied to workforce learning and performance. 爱博体育竞猜app下载者运用评估中涉及的关键原则, 设计, 发展中, 实现, 评估员工发展和绩效改进计划. 爱博体育竞猜app下载者通过创建一个积极的培训事件来获得实践经验.

ML 5243


Leaders often attempt 改变s that they believe are critical to the survival of the organization only to find those 改变s are resisted by the very people the leader is attempting to help. People’s response to 改变 depends on the degree to which they understand the need for 改变, 是否参与了变更过程, 并理解这种变化对他们角色的影响. This class explores the processes necessary to identify the need for 改变 using appropriate models, 计划改变的过程, obtain authorization for the 改变 and motivate the appropriate stakeholders to ensure success.

ML 6023


本课程是硕士领导力课程的顶点课程. Students will complete an application project related to their emphasis and field of interest.

ML 5263


爱博体育竞猜app下载安卓版客户端成人教育的基本理论和研究现状. This class draws from both adult development and adult education to explore the stages of human development, 关于成人爱博体育竞猜app下载能力的问题, 成年人如何爱博体育竞猜app下载,为什么爱博体育竞猜app下载, 以及如何确保爱博体育竞猜app下载已经发生.

ML 5273


This course examines the unique 领导 challenges and opportunities presented in nonprofit organizations. Students will learn about the nature of the nonprofit sector and gain perspectives on management, 金融, 领导, 以及非营利组织面临的治理问题.

ML 5343


Leaders must be able to find the money to fund the budget for the planned programs to accomplish the mission of the group they are leading. Funding, budgeting, and 金融 accountability are prerequisites to success in any organization. 本课程探讨预算所必需的技能, 管理, 捐赠发展, 资金, 问责制和合乎道德地使用资源. 而不是会计课程, 盈利性和盈利性之间的区别, 非营利性, 并对现金流量会计要求进行了探讨.

ML 5353


Leaders must be able to find the money to fund the budget for the planned programs to accomplish the mission of the group they are leading. Funding, budgeting, and 金融 accountability are prerequisites to success in any organization. 本课程探讨预算所必需的技能, 管理, 捐赠发展, 资金, 问责制和合乎道德地使用资源. 而不是会计课程, 盈利性和盈利性之间的区别, 非营利性, 并对现金流量会计要求进行了探讨.



全球营销和战略网络 will expand knowledge and familiarity with cross-cultural, 数字, 以及全球营销趋势. 学生们将接触并听到来自国际的声音. 最终, the course’s educational journey embraces experiential learning as a mechanism to broaden knowledge of contemporary



在媒体方法和内容创作, 学生将接触到广泛的媒体制作技术. Course content is designed to immerse students in a rigorous exposure of classical and contemporary theory and methods that deepen understanding of 数字 沟通 and media conceptualization, 生产, 以及分销方法和理念. 学生的任务是



图形设计和投资组合管理 provides a crucial link to an increasing market demand for specialization with 数字 media tools. 学生将爱博体育竞猜app下载一系列图形设计方法, receive 培训 and tutorials to strengthen familiarity and experience using 数字 tools. 最后,课程提供了一个培养和管理创意内容组合的空间.